Modern welding equipment in CRIST shipyard



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The CRIST shipyard has recently decided to invest in the improvement of its production processes, which resulted in the purchase of modern welding equipment.

Among the many manufacturers, the yard selected Lincoln Electric and purchased a total of 50 Powertec and S-Range units.

The new inverter welding machines are distinguished above all by ergonomics and innovation. They are smaller, 50% lighter and use up to 20% less energy than previously used transformer devices.

Welding apparatuses are adapted to work in harsh environmental conditions, therefore they are perfect for shipyard conditions. They are also characterized by ease of use, and the selection of the appropriate function is also possible with gloves, which significantly speeds up the preparation process for welding.

The development and continuous improvement of welding techniques are of key importance for the CRIST S.A. shipyard. The company plans to develop in this investment direction for the next 10 years.